About Ray’s
When you need help with individual and business income tax filing or business consulting, count on Ray’s Tax and Consulting Services. Based in Oak Park, Michigan, we provide our helpful and beneficial services to clients nationwide. We have more than 40 years of experience in the industry, and our team is committed to providing some of the best customer service around.
We’ve been in business for more than 20 years. Our owner has a strong background in mathematics and obtained his MBA in the field. He spent time working as a consultant to engineers as a statistician and mathematician. Eventually, he shifted gears towards accounting and tax preparation so he could help customers using his unique skill set. After spending time working for a corporation, he decided to start his own private tax and consulting practice.
Today, we’re a thriving business serving customers year-round. The next time you find yourself in need of tax preparation assistance, or help forming your corporation or planning your business, trust our team to get the job done.